A year rolled off… There might be disappointments, tears, smiles, laughs, enjoyment, boredom, pleasure, heartbreaks that got a place. Now we are in a NewYear. As it is always, we never know what lay ahead.
Some conservationists might view this eve as one more way to waste the energies, while some liberalites might view it as another chance to party. But, we can always find a moderate view in between two extremists. In the monotonous life we lead, we never get around to introspect, enjoy simple things. Let us relax after celebrations, introspecting.
History repeats when it comes to resolutions we take. Let us do something different this year. First step in the process of difference is not to call them resolutions, they are just a few things to betterment of life. The below things might be stored in our subconscious memory, here is a gentle reminder
Smile at atleast one stranger a day. May be the small smile might help in forgetting life long sorrows for a minute.
Read a book atleast once in a week to spend time for yourself
Dress up everyday as if there is an occasion
Feed one hungry stomach atleast once in a month
Never keep your passions on back burner
Thank people whenever you get a chance
Spend quality time with your family
Take up a hobby.
Celebrate Whole year…Rock in your own way.
thanq..wish u d same da...